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分类:单机 / 冒险解谜 | 大小:80.5MB | 授权:免费游戏 |
语言:中文 | 更新:2025-01-31 11:39:24 | 等级: |
平台:Android | 厂商:德甲直播股份有限公司 | 官网:暂无 |
权限:查看 允许程序访问网络. | 备案:湘ICP备2023018554号-3A | |
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原标题:FREE PICK! 5 WINNERS in a row! $$$
Borussia Dortmund VS Bayer 04 Leverkusen
Dortmund welcome Bayer Leverkusen in this German Bundesliga round 16 battle at Signal Iduna Park early Saturday morning Beijing time. This is the 3rd-best league on the planet, behind the English Premier League and the Spanish La Liga. Football enthusiasts and serious, profit-hungry football bettors can expect an entertaining, probably pretty open match of high quality by this competition's standards here! Most importantly, we have yet another very lucrative betting opportunity! We have won five consecutive picks! I will be posting several more high-quality in-depth analyses later today! Let's remember that Leverkusen are the reigning champions of Germany. Last season they were unbeaten in over 40 consecutive games, until getting beaten by Atalanta in the UEFA Europa League final. This season they have not been as good which is understandable. Last season many of their players played above their normal level and they also had some luck on their side in terms of xPTS. This level Leverlusen performed last season is very rare in any top-8 European league! Even so, Leverkusen have been very strong this season as well and are in 2nd place with a fine 32 points to their account. They have scored an impressive 37 goals and have conceded 21 goals. They should - and probably will have to improve their defence to win the Bundesliga and/or the UEFA Champions League. However, their number of expected goals allowed (xG) is only 17.67. Only the biggest and richest team in Germany, Bayern Munich have taken more points – 36. Leverkusen are not quite as good as Munich in terms of pure class but still do have a genuine chance of winning the league – again! These two teams are clearly better than the rest of the teams in terms of pure class. Let's remember that Leverkusen have lost only one game in the Bundesliga this season. They have, in my expert opinion, the best head coach in this league, former Luverpool and Real Madrid star Xabi Alonso. He is a calm, respected leader with a lot of charisma. Dortmund's head coach, N. Sahin, 36, on the other hand, is somewhat inexperienced and is tactically nowhere near the level of Xabi! I am also not fully convinced by his leadership skills.. In the iconic UEFA Champions League (UCL), too, Leverkusen have performed well, taking 13 points in six games. They are in 4th place, behind two very big teams, Liverpool – who top the Premier League (EPL) standings, Barcelona and the 2nd-best team in the EPL, Arsenal. Leverkusen have lost one match in the UCL – to Liverpool on the road as pretty clear underdogs, of course. Yes, Dortmund qualified all the way for the UCL final last season but were beaten by Real Madrid. On their way to the final they were very lucky to beat Atletico Madrid and PSG. Indeed, both opponents generated much more in xG (in the two legs combined) tahan Dortmund. In the Bundesliga, however, they were unarguably disappointing. Indeed, they finished only in 5th place with 63 points but their number of xPTS was only 55.43.. Dortmund are currently in 6th place with a decent 25 points in their pocket. Their number of xPTS is slightly smaller. Dortmund have netted the ball only 28 times and have conceded 22 goals. However, their number of expected goals (xG) is smaller – 25.41. To sum up, they cannot match Leverkusen in any area of the game.
Let's remember that Dortmund have won only one of their last five matches.. This win came in their last game, 3-1 over Wolfsburg on the road. Dortmund were priced around 2.15 to win by the bookmakers! However, the final score is very misleading. Indeed, the hosts recorded more goal attempts (14-12) as well as shots on goal. Dortmund did have more shots off target though. Before this Dortmund were disappointing against Hoffenheim at home. They were priced around 1.35 to win but it was a 1-1 draw but the visitors recorded many more goal attempts (12-6) and shots off target - 9-3. Rather surprisingly, Dortmund had just one shot on goal! Moreover, the visitors generated much more in xG than Dortmund – 1.23-0.61 to be precise. On the 11th of December, in round 6 of the UCL, Dortmund were not bad but lost to Barcelona 2-3 at home, The Spanish visitors had more goal attempts and six more shots on target. Dortmund, however, did generate a little more in xG.. In round 13 of the Bundesliga Dortmund faced Borussia Mönchengladbach on the road and it was a 1-1 draw. Dortmund were priced around 2.00 to win on the betting market. Dortmund did generate a little more in xG but were – taking the odds into account. slightly disappointing as a whole.
Yes, Dortmund's injury crisis has somewhat eased now. They will, however, still be without Pascal Gross because of a previous red card.. I, however, believe that some of their recently injured players will not be at their best yet.. Niklas Sule is out due to his ankle injury. Goalkeeper Gregor Kobel is expected to be shielded by center-backs Waldemar Anton and Nico Schlotterbeck. The defence could be protected by midfielders Emre Can and Felix Nmecha. Jamie Bynoe-Gittens will most probably start in the final third, while forward Serhou Guirassy may be supported by attacking midfielder Brandt. Leverkusen will be without Amine Adli, though Victor Boniface may make a return to action if he passes a late fitness test.I expect Schick to continue to lead the line in front of Florian Wirtz and Nathan Tella in case Boniface cannot start the game.. Despite the significant home advantage - with the expected lineups - Leverkusen definitely deserve to be more clear favourites than the bookies estimate! Indeed, the odds of around 2.45 are too high. However, we will take the safer +0.5 goals handicap option to extend the winning streak! I want to highlight that Leverkusen have been in amazing form, winning a whopping nine games in a row! In their most recent match they crushed a decent opponent, Freiburg, 5-1 at home. They recorded a strong 20 goal attempts. They also recorded 10 more shots on goal than Freiburg. Moreover, Leverkusen generated 2.44 more in xG than the visitors. Before this they beat Augsburg 2-0 away from home. No. they were not at their best but did still deserve the three points. In round 6 of the UCL they beat the best team in Italy, Inter, the reigning champions of the Serie A, 1-0 at home and deserved the three points - despite not being quite at their best.. Especially the first half was somewhat uneventful and defensive.. However, in the 2nd half Leverkusen were the much better team. In the end, they recorded 0.81 more in xG than Inter. In fact, Inter generated only 0.28 in xG! For some reason their excellent coach, S. Inzaghi had chosen a very defensive and passive strategy.. I am certain that I was not the only professional bettor to consider this weird even before the kick off - and was clearly a mistake as Inter would have needed a lot of luck to win the game.. Leverkusen, however, also deserve a lot of credit for their well-organized defending. Indeed, even the midfielders where very active in protecting their goal. They did not allow the visitors a single shot on target! Leverkusen number was 5 and they also recorded more goal attempts (17-6) as well as more big scoring chances and shots inside the opponent's penalty box!
GOOD LUCK and thanks to all my loyal fans - and welcome all new fans!
北京时间周六凌晨,多特蒙德将在信号伊杜纳公园迎接勒沃库森的德甲16强之战。这是世界上第三好的联赛,仅次于英超和西甲。足球爱好者和认真的,渴望利润的足球投注者可以期待一场有趣的,可能是相当公开的高质量的比赛,以本次比赛的标准来看!最重要的是,我们还有另一个非常有利可图的赌博机会!我们已经连续赢了五次了!我将在今天晚些时候发布更多高质量的深入分析!让我们记住勒沃库森是德国的卫冕冠军。上赛季他们保持了40场不败,直到在欧联杯决赛中被亚特兰大击败。本赛季他们表现不佳,这是可以理解的。上个赛季,他们的许多球员都超出了他们的正常水平,他们在xPTS方面也有一些运气。勒沃鲁森上赛季的表现在欧洲8强联赛中是非常罕见的!即便如此,勒沃库森本赛季也非常强大,以32分的积分排名第二。他们打进了令人印象深刻的37球,丢了21球。为了赢得德甲和/或欧洲冠军联赛,他们应该——也可能必须——改进他们的防守。然而,他们的预期进球数(xG)只有17.67个。只有德国最大最富有的球队拜仁慕尼黑拿到了更多的积分——36分。勒沃库森在纯粹的水平上没有慕尼黑那么好,但仍然有真正的机会赢得联赛冠军——再一次!这两支球队显然比其他球队在纯粹的阶级方面要好。让我们记住勒沃库森本赛季在德甲只输过一场比赛。在我看来,他们拥有联赛中最好的主教练,前利物浦和皇马球星哈维·阿隆索。他是一位冷静、受人尊敬的领袖,很有个人魅力。另一方面,多特蒙德的主教练,36岁的n·沙欣(N. Sahin)有些缺乏经验,战术水平也远不及哈维!我也不完全相信他的领导才能。在标志性的欧洲冠军联赛(UCL)中,勒沃库森也表现出色,在6场比赛中拿到了13分。他们排在第四位,落后于两支非常强大的球队,分别是英超积分榜榜首的利物浦、巴塞罗那和英超排名第二的阿森纳。勒沃库森在欧冠联赛中只输了一场,当然是客场输给了利物浦。是的,多特蒙德上赛季一路杀入欧冠决赛,但被皇马击败。在进入决赛的路上,他们非常幸运地击败了马德里竞技和巴黎圣日耳曼。事实上,两个对手在两回合比赛中都比多特蒙德产生了更多的xG。然而在德甲,他们毫无疑问是令人失望的。虽然以63分的成绩排在第5位,但他们的得分也只有55.43分。多特蒙德目前以可观的25分排名第六。它们的xpt数量略少。多特蒙德只有28次进球,丢了22个球。然而,他们的预期目标数量(xG)较小,为25.41。总而言之,他们在比赛的任何领域都无法与勒沃库森匹敌。
现在有点缓和了。然而,由于之前的红牌,他们仍然没有帕斯卡尔·格罗斯。然而,我相信他们最近受伤的一些球员还没有达到最佳状态。由于脚踝受伤,苏雷将缺席比赛。门将格里高尔·科贝尔将受到中后卫沃尔德马尔·安东和尼科·施洛特贝克的保护。后防线可以由中场埃姆雷·詹和菲利克斯·恩米查来保护。杰米·拜诺-吉滕斯很可能会在最后三分之一的位置首发,而前锋Serhou Guirassy可能会得到攻击型中场勃兰特的支持。勒沃库森将失去阿明·阿德利,不过如果博尼法斯通过了晚些时候的体能测试,他可能会复出。我希望希克在维尔茨和泰拉前面继续带队,以防博尼法斯不能首发。尽管有明显的主场优势——以及预期的阵容——勒沃库森绝对应该比博彩公司估计的更明显的热门!事实上,2.45左右的几率太高了。然而,我们将采取更安全的+0.5个进球障碍选项来延长连胜!我想强调的是,勒沃库森一直处于惊人的状态,连续赢得了9场比赛!在最近的一场比赛中,他们在主场以5-1击败了一个不错的对手弗赖堡。他们出手20次。他们的射门次数也比弗莱堡多10次。此外,勒沃库森在xG上的收入比客队多2.44%。在此之前,他们客场2-0击败了奥格斯堡。否。他们虽然没有达到最佳状态,但仍然配得上三分。在欧冠联赛第6轮,他们在主场1-0击败了意甲卫冕冠军——意大利最好的球队国际米兰,理应得到三分——尽管他们并没有发挥出最佳状态。特别是上半场有点平淡无奇和防守。然而,在下半场勒沃库森的表现要好得多。最终,他们在xG上的得分比国米多0.81分。事实上,Inter在xG中只生成了0.28 !由于某种原因,他们优秀的教练因扎吉选择了防守和被动的策略。我敢肯定,我不是唯一一个在开球前就认为这很奇怪的职业投注者——这显然是一个错误,因为国米需要很多运气才能赢得比赛。然而,勒沃库森也值得称赞他们组织严密的防守。事实上,即使是中场球员也非常积极地保护他们的球门。他们不让客队一球射正!勒沃库森的数字是5,他们也有更多的进球尝试(17-6),以及更多的进球机会和在对手禁区内的射门!祝你好运,感谢我所有的忠实粉丝,欢迎所有的新粉丝!
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